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The BRM Role in the digital transformation strategy

Sitio personal de Fabricio Quintanilla

The BRM Role in the digital transformation strategy


Nowadays, the term Digital Transformation is part of life and consequently it becomes very important for all companies to invest time and resources to follow this trend. Usually the retail industry becomes the most impacted due to a very close relationship between the customer and the company for the establishment of the nexus that guarantees fidelity and revenue. However, it is not the only industry that needs to turn to see this digital world.

Digitally mature companies are focused on integrating diverse digital technologies such as «social», «mobile», «analytics» and «cloud» to transform the way their businesses work. On the other hand, companies with less digital culture and / or less understanding of it, are focused on solving problems by the application of digital technologies.

Today any manager with some kind of responsibility is under internal pressure to understand and land the concept, and perhaps also to apply it, and while that happens is receiving a lot of information about what is digital transformation, its impact, how to approach and execute it. It is even reasonable to say that in the agendas of any of them there will be a gap for a session on digital transformation or more, some demonstration of a specific product or technology that seems to be key to the achievement of its digital transformation.

The ability of a company to digitally reimagine the business is largely determined by the definition of a clear digital strategy supported by internal agents capable of fostering and leading a new culture capable of provoking change and this is where BRM takes vital importance in its role as main adviser and support in the definition of this strategy.

Strategy and people are more relevant in the process of digital transformation than technology itself. There is no doubt that to implement will be necessary to acquire and integrate the technologies, but only those that respond to the underlying needs of its strategic definition, that really cover how to visualize its future and its digital strategy, should be clear that these technologies will not cause the digital transformation by themselves, but they will need people capable of understanding and adapting them to what their business requires and an internal culture of use and exploitation of technology that really cause the transformation.

HR in Digital Transformation

Companies with greater digital maturity work intensely the «digital gap» of their employees and make sure to implement training policies and / or talent attraction capable of obtaining the necessary knowledge to capitalize on digital trends and ensure the correct implementation of their Digital strategy.

It is as important to build knowledge and attract digital talent as to retain it, and nothing better than building a «digital enabled» organization, since most people prefer to work for mature digital companies or with leaders capable of fostering this digital transformation. Sometimes it is believed that the “digital” concept is tied to younger people, but as Scott Monty says «Women aged around 55 represent the fastest growing group of Facebook’s use, it’s about human interaction, not just millennials.»

The Importance of Culture in Digital Transformation

An important aspect is that companies with greater digital maturity encourage risktaking, promote innovation, and unbelievably develop the collaboration of their work environments since the cost of inaction is higher than the cost of action.

But to promote «risk taking» in organizations it is necessary to understand and spread that error is a great asset to learn, which applies specially to the agents in charge of leading change in organizations and who represent the example that others set to guide their actions.

Promoting innovation involves overthrowing the myth that appears because of moments of brilliance of a few gifted. In fact, «great ideas often arise from the collaborative efforts of people of very diverse experience and knowledge», so that collaborative environments are fundamental to promote it.

The need to collaborate to innovate with the fact that companies are increasingly creating silos or specific groups to manage the increasing complexity of their business models and their products, question and things, they are building internal barriers that Make innovation difficult.

Can Technology Change Culture?

Technology itself does not bring about cultural changes that can transform organizations. It is usual to find companies that have not been able to change solely and exclusively through technology, but can also find others have remained the same after a great investment in technology because they did not have the appropriate internal culture for their adoption.

Leadership in Digital Transformation

Leading has a lot to do with the ability to be credible, generate confidence and create certainty, hence the fact that BRM plays a key role in the transformation of a company, since leading the digitization is no different; It is not enough to send messages about how positive it can be to invest in technologies, projects or people, you have to go a step further, and for this you have to play the digital game, you have to know and define a consistent strategy, to rethink, you must listen and observe the environment, you must demonstrate that the transformation begins with the BRM as is and convince the organization of the positive effects of adopting it to become better, more profitable, more attractive, more competitive or simply to survive.

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